Dongying Strengthens Protection of Women, Children's Rights, Interests

 March 27, 2021
Dongying Women's Federation has implemented a project to safeguard women's rights and interests since 2020. [For Women of China]


Dongying (a city in East China's Shandong Province) Women's Federation last year implemented a project to safeguard women's rights and interests. The focus of the initiative was strengthening the protection of women and children's legitimate rights and interests.

As part of the initiative, the federation set the service standards of its hotline, "12338," through which women can seek legal assistance in protecting their rights and interests.

The federation recently issued a document setting standard procedures for handling public complaints related to women's rights protection.

The federation has improved its receiving and handling public complaints through the Internet. It has also organized relevant personnel to participate in online training, in handling public complaints, to help local women solve their problems in a convenient and efficient way.

Dongying Women's Federation has implemented a project to safeguard women's rights and interests since 2020. [For Women of China]


(Women of China English Monthly March 2021 issue) 


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