China Creates over 2.5 Million New Jobs for Fresh Graduates

 May 8, 2023

BEIJING, May 6 (Xinhua) — As of Wednesday, about 2.53 million new jobs had been created for Chinese college graduates this year via an employment promotion campaign, said the Ministry of Education on Saturday.

The ministry launched the campaign last November, with 2,415 universities and colleges participating in the initiative.

During the campaign, education authorities at the provincial level were required to help bridge higher education institutions with enterprises, taking into consideration the major layouts of the former and the recruitment demands of the latter.

Meanwhile, universities and colleges were encouraged to invite employers to recruitment activities on campus and offer them necessary assistance.

So far, more than 1.45 million enterprises have provided approximately 35.1 million pieces of job information through 125,000 offline recruitment activities across the country, according to the ministry.

The ministry added that it will hold a special week-long employment promotion event in May, with greater efforts to expand channels of employment and provide guidance services for job-hunting graduates.


(Source: Xinhua)

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