China to Launch Trial Operations of Service-Oriented Social Assistance

 August 15, 2024
China to Launch Trial Operations of Service-Oriented Social Assistance
A staff member takes care of a senior resident in a wheelchair at a social welfare center in Hanshou County of Changde City, central China's Hunan Province, June 20, 2023. [Xinhua/Chen Sihan]


BEIJING, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) — China will launch a series of trial operations of service-oriented social assistance across the country, according to a work plan released by the country's Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Finance.

By releasing the plan, the country aims to transfer its model of social assistance from being purely material-based to including both material assistance and services.

During the trial operation, relevant authorities ought to focus on the most pressing problems encountered by the people, and provide those who are financially challenged with nursing, care and other services that address their needs, read the plan.

The plan proposed a number of tasks, including establishing an assessment system of service-oriented social assistance demands, drafting lists of social assistance services, coordinating all sources to ensure ample supply of such services, and setting up mechanisms ensuring the funding of services, among others.

Developing service-oriented social assistance is an important part of China's drive to perfect its tiered and classified social assistance system, and is featured in the country's outline for national economic and social development in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period (2021-2025). 


(Source: Xinhua)

Editor: Lei Yang

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