Heilongjiang Protects Girls' Safety, Legal Rights, Interests

 January 20, 2023

Heilongjiang Protects Girls' Safety, Legal Rights, Interests


Heilongjiang Women's Federation recently arranged for children to attend a lecture on how to protect girls' safety. The event was held in Harbin, capital of Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. The lecturer taught girls how to take care of their reproductive organs, how to avoid putting themselves in danger, and what to do if they are sexually assaulted. 

During the past several years, the federation has adopted various measures to strengthen the protection of girls' safety. For example, thanks to the financial assistance from the federation, all cities, counties and districts (in Heilongjiang) have established a combined 175 girls' protection cabins in the regions' communities, kindergartens, primary schools and women and children's activity centers. 

The cabins provide legal and psychological counseling to parents and children, so they can better protect girls' rights and interests. The cabins also employ psychologists, educators and social workers to offer advice to parents on how to properly educate their children. 


(Women of China English Monthly December 2022 issue)

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