Federation Explores Ways to Strengthen Protection of Women, Children's Rights

 April 25, 2023

Federation Explores Ways to Strengthen Protection of Women, Children's Rights


In recent years, Yaozhou Women's Federation has explored ways to strengthen the protection of the legal rights and interests of women and children in Yaozhou, a district in Tongchuan, a city in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province. For example, the federation has adopted a system, under which all of the federation's leaders and workers handle women's visits. The federation has also established a work mechanism, under which the federation works with other organizations (in Yaozhou) to help residents protect their rights and interests.

In September 2017, the federation and Yaozhou District People's Court established the family mediation committee (the first of its kind in Shaanxi Province). In late 2019, the federation and Yaozhou Justice Bureau established the people's mediation committee, to mediate marital and family disputes. The federation employs 129 presidents of women's federations, at the village and community levels in Yaozhou, as "mediators" who help residents resolve family disputes. The federation also recruits judges, procurators, lawyers and/or psychologists as volunteers, who provide legal and/or psychological services to residents.

The federation will improve its cooperation with other organizations, to improve the rights-protection mechanism, and to help women and children better protect their rights and interests.


(Women of China English Monthly March 2023 issue)

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