Federations Use Online Database to Better Help Disadvantaged Women, Children

 September 7, 2023

During the past year, workers with women's federations, at all levels across Shanwei (a city in South China's Guangdong Province), have been using a "secret weapon" — the online database, which provides information of the women and children — to improve work related to helping and caring for disadvantaged women and children. 

The Shanwei Women's Federation has established an account for the database, so the federations' workers may see detailed, reliable information about disadvantaged women and children, including their needs and difficulties, recorded by workers with women's federations (in various regions in Shanwei), during their visits to the women and children. 

Workers with Shanwei Women's Federation have checked the information (about disadvantaged women and children), collected by the federations, with relevant information collected by the Shanwei Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs and other organizations, to ensure the database provides accurate records of the information of all disadvantaged women and children (in Shanwei). 

Based on the information, provided by the database, the federation's workers have performed crisis intervention, to help the women and children protect their legal rights and interests. The workers have also provided follow-up services to the women and children, to help them solve difficulties in their lives.


(Women of China English Monthly August 2023 issue)

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