Women in Gansu Receive Free Cancer Checkups, HPV Vaccinations

 September 26, 2024

By the end of July, 214,500 women in Lanzhou New Area and 14 other cities or prefectures in Northwest China's Gansu Province had received free cervical- and breast-cancer (two cancers) screening. 

As a result, the province had completed its task of giving checkups to 200,000 women for the year. Gansu has made efforts to build a comprehensive working system on the prevention and treatment of the two cancers. 

It obtained 11.61 million yuan (US $1.64 million) from All-China Women's Federation's special funding to assist low-income women diagnosed with one or both of the two cancers. 

The government of Linxia, a city in Gansu, allocated funding to provide free human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations to 2,200 girl students in junior middle schools.


(Women of China English Monthly September 2024)

Editor: Wang Shasha

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