A 51-year-old woman doctor has spent the last 30 years treating patients by utilizing acupuncture, physical therapy, cupping therapy and other traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapies, which have been proven both effective and economical.
According to Feng Shixia, director of a branch of the Mogao Town central health center in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, her strong interest in TCM dates back to her childhood, when she often listened her father reciting excerpts from Drug Properties in Verse, an ancient book outlining the fundamentals of TCM.
"At that time, I didn't know that when arms were dislocated, they could be returned to normal with the correct maneuver. After starting my job, I have discovered more and more mysteries of TCM. The more I studied, the more I liked it," recalled Feng.
Feng said that when she was young and her family's economic conditions were difficult, it was only by borrowing friends' study notes that she could learn by herself and obtain junior college and undergraduate degrees in the field of medical and health care.
As a deputy chief physician of TCM, Feng receives more than 6,500 outpatients, treats more than 2,200 of them with TCM therapies, and cures more than 150 inpatients every year. Since she takes "serving the people" as her personal belief, and respects the patients' "right to know, right to choose, and right to privacy", she has established a close rapport with her patients.
Last year, under Feng's leadership, her branch of Mogao Town central health center in Dunhuang built a dedicated TCM center that focused on treating patients with neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain using TCM. At the same time, it ramped up the procurement of TCM equipment and various physiotherapy devices, and further strengthened the training of TCM techniques.
"I have developed a harmonious relationship with my patients, and treat some senior patients like my own family," Feng said, adding that being a doctor requires dedication, and she is very grateful to her family for their understanding and support over the past decades.
"As an ordinary person, I am simply doing my own work. I just want to try my best to do my job well within the scope of my ability," the doctor said.
(Source: People's Daily Online)
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