Online Campaign Launched to Salute Women in COVID-19 Battle Ahead of International Women's Day

 March 5, 2020
Online Campaign Launched to Salute Women in COVID-19 Battle Ahead of International Women's Day
A poster of the online campaign "Salute Great Women" [Women of China]


The Women Voice, a new media platform of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), launched an online campaign entitled "Salute Great Women" on March 5 to show the appreciation and support for women from all sectors of society fighting against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to celebrate the upcoming International Women's Day.

The ACWF's official media platform has received great support from major domestic social media, livestreaming and short-video platforms such as the Twitter-like Sina Weibo, Kuaishou, one of the most popular short-video sharing platforms in China, and Douyin, known as TikTok overseas, for the themed campaign, which aims to laud the prominent contributions made by women in the fight against COVID-19, and rally the strength of more netizens in winning the fight against the virus ahead of International Women's Day, which falls on March 8.

Apart from expressing gratitude to all women involved in the arduous battle, Sina Weibo will work with stars and Internet celebrities in the fields of literary arts, medical health, poverty alleviation and the military to depict the strength and positive image of women in the new era through its own activity entitled "Her Strength and the Month of Women."

All Sina Weibo users can publish photos, words and short videos related to female role models and their stories with the topics of "Salute Great Women" and/or "Her Strength."

Moreover, Sina Weibo will also send an online greeting card to all verified female medical workers who have had their own Weibo accounts.

Meanwhile, Kuaishou has officially initiated its own interactive activity which will allow all users to upload their women-oriented videos. The users can also download magic emoji to decorate their photos and short videos with the clothing of female nurses and community workers, so as to salute the frontline women workers involved in the battle against the disease.

As for Douyin, it has encouraged its users to showcase their positive image and vitality with uploaded videos and to use songs to convey their highest respect to female medical workers at the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

Online Campaign Launched to Salute Women in COVID-19 Battle Ahead of International Women's Day
A list of partners with Women Voice in the online campaign [Women of China]


Online Campaign Launched to Salute Women in COVID-19 Battle Ahead of International Women's Day

 A screenshot of the online campaign's page on Sina Weibo [Women of China]


Online Campaign Launched to Salute Women in COVID-19 Battle Ahead of International Women's Day

A screenshot of the activity held by Kuaishou [Women of China]


Online Campaign Launched to Salute Women in COVID-19 Battle Ahead of International Women's Day

A screenshot of the activity held by Douyin to find the most beautiful voice in praise of women fighting in the anti-epidemic battle [Women of China]


(Women of China)


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