ACWF Raises Funds and Supplies for Flood Control, Disaster Relief in Henan

 July 27, 2021

The All-China Women's Federation quickly made available funds and supplies valued at over 29 million yuan (US $4.5 million) through the China Women's Development Foundation (CWDF) and the China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF), its affiliated institutions, to ramp up flood control and disaster relief in Central China's Henan Province.

The CWDF and CCTF opened the emergency rescue channel as soon as possible. The two foundations mobilized all sectors of society to provide funds and urgently needed items such as food, drinking water, and sanitary supplies for women, children and families in the disaster-stricken areas, which received a positive response and support from many caring netizens and companies.

Henan recently encountered continuous heavy rainfull, causing heavy casualties and property damage. General Secretary Xi Jinping has urged all-out efforts to protect people's lives and property, and strictly implement the flood prevention and disaster relief measures.


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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