ACWF Vice-President Conducts Investigation Tour of Hebei, Xinjiang

 June 20, 2022

Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), recently conducted an investigation tour of North China's Hebei Province, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

During the investigation tour, Huang promoted the spirit of the important discourses made by Chinese President Xi Jinping about the building of family, family education and family traditions, and the spirit of his congratulatory letter to the China National Children's Center on the 40th anniversary of its founding.

Huang visited former revolutionary sites and memorial halls, talked with women in villages, and called on local women's federations to fulfill their functions of guiding, serving and contacting women, mobilize women to become builders of the great cause, advocates of civilized social conduct and strivers who pursue their dreams, and give play to the role of women in containing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy and keeping development secure.

When visiting families in villages and communities in Hebei and Xinjiang, Huang talked with family members about the remarkable changes that have taken place around them and their expectations for a better life. She noted that thanks to the strong leadership of the Party, our hometowns are becoming more and more beautiful and everyone is enjoying a better life. She encouraged the family members to strive hard and make more achievements at their posts.


At women and children's activity centers, family education guidance service institutions and family tradition halls, Huang called on parents and teachers to foster virtues through education and promote the healthy and all-round development of children. She also learned about the work of trying cases involving juveniles at a people's court and family disputes mediation at a marriage and family dispute mediation committee at the grassroots level in Xinjiang.


Huang also visited Hebei Women's Vocational College and a housekeeping service station in a community in Shijiazhuang, capital city of Hebei. She called for efforts to strengthen professional ethics education and skill training, and expand channels of employment for women.

When visiting a garment factory in Xiong'an New Area, Huang urged making full use of national policies on helping ease enterprises' burdens, coordinating epidemic containment and resumption of work and production, and extending more love and care to women employees.

During her visit to a large-scale state-owned enterprise in Xinjiang, Huang encouraged women scientific and technological workers to proactively take part in the Women's Action for Scientific and Technological Innovation project and contribute to high-quality development.


During her investigation tour, Huang also held talks with local officials on women's work, and visited staff members of local women's federations.


Photos Supplied by Women Voice

(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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