Microblog Buzz
Editor’s Note
With a camera, backpack and a heart full of wanderlust, many young Chinese are quitting their jobs to travel. For them, youth means seizing every chance you can get to see the world. But would you dare to do the same?
A recent survey shows that 44.23 percent of people agree that you need one reckless experience in life, like taking such a trip, regardless of any consequences. About 38.46 percent said they would still wait and see if it’s possible to do such a thing as they feel that it is unrealistic. “I don’t have money and there’s too much on my mind. I don’t have the courage,” is what most of them say. Nearly 17.31 percent of people said it was an irresponsible thing to do. >>more
Although it’s becoming increasingly popular to quit one’s job and hit the road, there are many different reasons to do so. While some want to live their dream and see the world, others might just want to escape real life and work. As such, it’s important to think this through before making a decision.