Macao Chinese Orchestra Attend Rehearsal at Broadway Theater in Macao

 December 3, 2019

Macao Chinese Orchestra attend rehearsal at Broadway Theater in Macao

Members of the Macao Chinese Orchestra attend a rehearsal at the Broadway Theater in Macao, south China, November 3, 2019. [Xinhua/Liu Jinhai]


Macao Chinese Orchestra attend rehearsal at Broadway Theater in Macao

Members of the Macao Chinese Orchestra attend a rehearsal at the Broadway Theater in Macao, south China, November 3, 2019. [Xinhua/Liu Jinhai]


Macao Chinese Orchestra attend rehearsal at Broadway Theater in Macao

Members of the Macao Chinese Orchestra attend a rehearsal at the Broadway Theater in Macao, south China, November 3, 2019. [Xinhua/Liu Jinhai]


Macao Chinese Orchestra attend rehearsal at Broadway Theater in Macao

Members of the Macao Chinese Orchestra attend a rehearsal at the Broadway Theater in Macao, south China, November 3, 2019. [Xinhua/Liu Jinhai]


Macao Chinese Orchestra attend rehearsal at Broadway Theater in Macao

Members of the Macao Chinese Orchestra attend a rehearsal at the Broadway Theater in Macao, south China, November 3, 2019. [Xinhua/Liu Jinhai]


(Source: Xinhua)



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