Guizhou Women's Federation Holds New Media Seminar

ByGao Xiaolu July 22, 2014
Guizhou Women's Federation Holds New Media Seminar
Guiyang Women's Federation launched the first seminar on new media from July 15 to July 19, which attracted more than 40 students from women's federations to participate.[Gansu Women's Federation/Gao Xialu]


Guizhou Women's Federation Holds New Media Seminar
Guiyang Women's Federation launched the first seminar on new media from July 15 to July 19, which attracted more than 40 students from women's federations to participate.[Gansu Women's Federation/Gao Xialu]


Guizhou Women's Federation Holds New Media Seminar
Guiyang Women's Federation launched the first seminar on new media from July 15 to July 19, which attracted more than 40 students from women's federations to participate.[Gansu Women's Federation/Gao Xialu]


Guizhou Women's Federation Holds New Media Seminar
Guiyang Women's Federation launched the first seminar on new media from July 15 to July 19, which attracted more than 40 students from women's federations to participate.[Gansu Women's Federation/Gao Xialu]

(Provided by Guizhou Women's Federation/Translated by Women of China)


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