New Immersive Exhibition Adds a Modern Twist to Ancient Grotto Art

 December 12, 2023
New Immersive Exhibition Adds a Modern Twist to Ancient Grotto Art
An immersive exhibition featuring Chinese grotto art opened to the public at the National Museum of China in Beijing on December 9, 2023. The exhibition, titled "Magnificence and Grandeur-Immersive Experience of Grotto Art", is spread over 1,500 square meters. Artists express and illustrate the artistic style and rich connotation of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Maijishan Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes and Longmen Grottoes using modern technologies including digital imaging and AI algorithm, taking visitors on an experiential journey into the magnificent world of Chinese grotto art. [Photo/Xinhua]


New Immersive Exhibition Adds a Modern Twist to Ancient Grotto Art
An immersive exhibition featuring Chinese grotto art opened to the public at the National Museum of China in Beijing on December 9, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]


New Immersive Exhibition Adds a Modern Twist to Ancient Grotto Art
An immersive exhibition featuring Chinese grotto art opened to the public at the National Museum of China in Beijing on December 9, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]


New Immersive Exhibition Adds a Modern Twist to Ancient Grotto Art
An immersive exhibition featuring Chinese grotto art opened to the public at the National Museum of China in Beijing on December 9, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]


New Immersive Exhibition Adds a Modern Twist to Ancient Grotto Art
An immersive exhibition featuring Chinese grotto art opened to the public at the National Museum of China in Beijing on December 9, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]


New Immersive Exhibition Adds a Modern Twist to Ancient Grotto Art
An immersive exhibition featuring Chinese grotto art opened to the public at the National Museum of China in Beijing on December 9, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]




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