ACWF Calls on Women to Contribute to Battle Against Epidemic

 January 28, 2020

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) on January 26 called upon women from all sectors of society and millions of families to resolutely act on the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), give full play to their unique roles in social and family life, and contribute their efforts to the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

Women from across the country are expected to demonstrate their unique role in the prevention and control of the coronavirus epidemic based on their respective posts. The highest gratitude should be shown to women medical workers and women workers who have been engaged in the production and transportation of medicine and protective equipment. Women from all other sectors are expected to follow their role models, take the lead in the implementation of various measures taken by local Party committees and governments concerning the epidemic, and contribute special efforts to the fight against the spread of the virus and the maintenance of social stability.

The ACWF called on women to carry out their social responsibilities and publicize the prevention and control efforts of the coronavirus epidemic. Moreover, women were encouraged to do their best to keep their families away from exposure to the novel coronavirus.

Women's federations at all levels should mobilize female volunteers, winners of the Most Beautiful Family title and other role model households to give full play to their roles, strengthen the confidence of millions of families, and unite them to work together to contribute to the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus and the final victory of the epidemic control efforts.


(Women of China)


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