ACWF Stresses Women's Federations' Role in Supporting Women Talents in Science and Technology

 April 22, 2020
ACWF Stresses Women's Federations' Role in Supporting Women Talents in Science and Technology
Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, delivers a speech at a symposium on how women's federations can support women talents in science and technology on April 16. [China Women's New/Yang Rui]


The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) held a symposium on the advantages women's federations offer in supporting women talents in science and technology, who contribute their wisdom and strength to making China a country of innovators and major advances in science and technology.

Shen Yueyue, President of the ACWF, delivered a speech at the symposium.

Noting that General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the role of science and technology in winning the battle against the epidemic and promoting economic and social development, Shen said women workers of science and technology, who have studied the important speeches delivered by President Xi Jinping, are shouldering heavy responsibilities and are playing an important role in overcoming scientific and technological difficulties.  

During the meeting, part-time vice-presidents of the ACWF and experts in the field of science and technology shared their feelings about the efforts the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have made in offering favorable policies, creating development platforms and supporting women talents in science and technology. They noted that those talents are making all-out efforts in epidemic prevention and control. They also gave suggestions on how the women's federations could better guide, serve and contact these women.

ACWF Stresses Women's Federations' Role in Supporting Women Talents in Science and Technology
Attendees speak at the symposium held by the ACWF on April 16. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


At the meeting, women's federations were urged to strengthen guidance of women talents in science and technology on how to carry forward their spirit of devotion to win the anti-virus fight and how to play their role in clinching a complete victory in the fight against poverty and realizing the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Efforts should be made to guide women talents in science and technology to make contributions to the country and the society as well as realize their own value, and to help them make more achievements in scientific research. A good social environment that encourages more women to be active and innovative in science and technology should be created.

ACWF Stresses Women's Federations' Role in Supporting Women Talents in Science and Technology
Attendees speak at the symposium held by the ACWF on April 16. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


Shen urged women's federations to step up efforts to serve and contact women talents in science and technology and show more concern and care for them. Support should be given to the associations of women science and technology workers and other group members of the women's federations to help them organize more training sessions and exchange activities.

Efforts should also be made to protect the legal rights and interests of women workers of science and technology and to provide them with more housekeeping and child care services in a bid to help solve their difficulties in work and life and properly balance family and career. The federations should strengthen investigation and research and provide more suggestions for further optimizing the growth environment for women talents in science and technology.  

Huang Xiaowei, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, presided over the meeting. 

ACWF Stresses Women's Federations' Role in Supporting Women Talents in Science and Technology
The symposium was held by the ACWF on April 16. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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