ACWF to Step up Efforts on Protection of Women and Children's Rights, Interests

 May 21, 2020

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) recently held a meeting to discuss the work of protecting women and children' rights and interests. 

Shen Yueyue, President of the ACWF, delivered a speech at the meeting.

Shen stressed that the women's federations should shoulder the political responsibility of protecting women and children's rights and interests in accordance with law, and they should adhere to the people-centered approach during the whole process of rights protection.

Shen urged to cooperate with all circles, do the work of recurrent rights protection well, and safeguard legitimate rights of women and children.

During the meeting, Tan Lin, Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, introduced the current situation of women and children's rights protection and the plan of rights protection work on a regular basis. 

Song Yushui, part-time Vice-President of the ACWF, President of the China Women Judges Association (CWJA) and Vice-President of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court, gave suggestions on the popularization of the legal knowledge on women and children's rights protection.

Representatives of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate introduced their work, measures, achievements and problems on the aspect of strengthening juridical protection of women and children's rights and interests, especially the prevention and settlement of the cases in which women and children's personal safety was infringed upon.  

Officials of the CWJA, the China Women Procuratorates Association and the Women Lawyers Association of the All China Lawyers Association, reviewed their work in recent years and put forward suggestions on how to give play to the advantages of group members and join hands to protect women and children's rights and interests. A participant from the Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center also gave suggestions to better protect children's personal safety. 

Shen urged women's federations at all levels to take the lead in the women and children's rights protection, and improve their ability and capacity in the protection work.

The women's federations were also urged to conduct in-depth analysis of key and difficult problems on violation of women and children's rights and interests, take meticulous and effective measures to safeguard their legal rights, especially when addressing the cases of domestic violence and sexual abuse against children.

Enhanced efforts should be made to popularize the laws, and inform the public of knowledge on relevant laws and regulations to raise the whole community's legal awareness. Meanwhile, women's federations should organize professional people to provide legal services. 

Women's federations should care for and assist women, children and families amid regular epidemic prevention and control, make more efforts in psychological counseling, mediation of marriage and family disputes, family education guidance and caring for key population groups, to reduce the cases of infringement of women and children's rights and interests to the greatest extent.

Efforts should also be made to implement the systems and mechanisms of women and children's rights protection, cooperate with professional people, organs of public security, procuratorates and courts, judicial organs and group members of the women's federations, including the women judges associations, the women procuratorates associations and the women lawyers associations, to safeguard the rights and interests of women and children, so as to promote social fairness and justice, and maintain social harmony and stability.

Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of the ACWF and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, presided over the meeting.


(Women of China)


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