ACWF's Proposal on Inclusion of Family Education Supporting Services for Families with Infants under 3 into Government Public Services

 May 26, 2020

At the third session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) submitted a proposal on inclusion of family education supporting services for families with infants under 3 in government public services.

Huang Xiaowei, a member of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of the ACWF and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, submitted the proposal on behalf of the ACWF.  

Huang suggested in the proposal that a working mechanism on providing family education support for families with infants under 3 should be established by relevant departments, and the advantages and professionalism of those departments should be given full play in their provision of various family education supporting services. The function of the governments at grassroots levels in family education supporting services should also be enhanced. 

The family education supporting services for families with infants under 3 should be integrated into and recognized as an important part of the catalogue of basic public services of urban and rural communities. Special expenditures of the central lottery public welfare funds and government procurement of public services should be carried out to guarantee a mechanism for family education with government as the lead and social forces as participants.

The proposal also suggests that under the current public service projects, including children's education, protection, health and nutrition, more scientific guidance should be provided to parents of impoverished or disabled infants under 3.

In addition, to step up self-discipline, standardization and supervision of nursing services for infants under 3, more efforts should be made to specify the establishment and management standards of day care centers, to improve their access criteria and their employees' vocational qualification certificates and to perfect the systems of registration, filing, information disclosure and quality assessment of the centers. 


(China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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