ACWF Sends Condolences to Family of Nurse Who Lost Her Life in Battle Against COVID-19

 June 6, 2020
ACWF Sends Condolences to Family of Nurse Who Lost Her Life in Battle Against COVID-19
Officials of the Women's Federation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region visit the family of Liang Xiaoxia on June 2, expressing sympathy to her 
family members. Liang was a nurse who sacrificed her life in the anti-epidemic battle. [Guangxi Women's Federation]


Liu Yongmei, President of the Women's Federation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, entrusted by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), visited and extended condolences to the family of Liang Xiaoxia, a nurse of the Sixth People's Hospital of Nanning and a member of the medical team supporting the fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Hubei Province who sacrificed her life in the anti-virus battle in a village in Nanning, capital city of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on June 2.

During the visit, Liu learned about the physical conditions of Liang's parents as well as the schooling and living conditions of her younger siblings, and conveyed care and concern from Shen Yueyue, President of the ACWF, and Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of the ACWF and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF.

Liu also conveyed a message from the ACWF conferring on Liang a posthumous title of the National March 8th Red-banner Holder, one of the highest honors given to women for excellent work at their posts.

The autonomous region's women's federation posthumously awarded the honorary title of the region's March 8th Red-banner Holder to Liang on May 27. Liu presented the certificate and the medal to Liang's family during the visit, and gave them solicitude and gifts as expressions of gratitude.

Liu said that Liang showed the great love of a "white angel" in treating and rescuing patients, adding that women in the region should learn from her courage and dedicated spirit.

The region's federation helped Liang's younger sister and brother apply for subsidies offered by the China Children and Teenagers' Fund which will be available until they graduate from university.

Liu urged women's federations at all levels in Nanning to care for Liang's siblings and encouraged the youngsters to model themselves on their older sister, study hard and contribute to building their hometown in the future.

The region's federation also called on women across the region to pay tribute to and learn from Liang, contribute to winning the battle against the epidemic and help to build a beautiful Guangxi.

ACWF Sends Condolences to Family of Nurse Who Lost Her Life in Battle Against COVID-19
Liu Yongmei (2nd, L) learns about the schooling and living conditions of Liang Xiaoxia's younger brother and sister. [Guangxi Women's Federation]


ACWF Sends Condolences to Family of Nurse Who Lost Her Life in Battle Against COVID-19
Liang Xiaoxia [Guangxi Women's Federation]


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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