ACWF Launches Online Lessons for Women Internet Users

 July 9, 2020

Online lessons were launched on China's popular question-and-answer website Zhihu on July 6. 

Under the guidance of the Publicity Department of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission (OCCAC), the online lessons were given especially for women Internet users. People can also watch the lessons through the official website and WeChat accounts of the ACWF and Kuaishou, a well-known short-video platform in China. 

The online classes have three columns — 20 Women's Topics, Video Classes and Tutors' Livestreaming. With the aim of providing solutions for women who may encounter problems in relationships, marriage, career and life, the platform offers answers via online classes when women are confused about such things as how to face emotional problems, how to balance work and family, how to get along with colleagues and how to realize self-value appropriately.

Based on the topics related to women on the platform of Zhihu, the column of 20 Women's Topics selected 20 questions on women's work and life. Netizens can watch good answers to the questions and express their opinions on these topics.

Online users are also able to communicate directly with Internet celebrities through their livestreaming classes. During the first livestreaming lesson, Xi Yue, the CEO of an online women's speech platform, gave an in-depth analysis of workplace relations,  relationships and family education to help women Internet users understand themselves correctly and improve themselves.

A number of high-quality videos will also be released to provide free online classes for women.  

The event is an important part of the campaign of Striving to Be Good Women Internet Users this year. The campaign was launched by the ACWF and the OCCAC in 2017.  

How to Access

Follow the official WeChat account of the ACWF, click the menu "Growth Class" below, and then click "Zhihu Class" to access the lessons.

Log on to Zhihu, search for "good women Internet users and women's online lessons," and access the lessons.


(Women of China)


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