ACWF President Stresses Fully Mobilizing Women's Enthusiasm, Initiative and Creativity, Working Hard to Build a Modern Socialist Country

 March 25, 2021
ACWF President Stresses Fully Mobilizing Women's Enthusiasm, Initiative and Creativity, Working Hard to Build a Modern Socialist Country

Shen Yueyue (2nd, L), President of the All-China Women's Federation, makes an inspection tour to North China's Hebei Province from March 16 to 18. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), conducted an inspection tour to Pingshan and Fuping counties and Shijiazhuang City in North China's Hebei Province from March 16 to 18 to investigate the study and implementation of the spirit of the important speeches delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping during this year's "two sessions" and the education related to Party history. She also promoted the spirit of the important speeches delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping in rural families, schools, enterprises and women's homes, studied Party history at former revolutionary sites, and asked for opinions and advice from local women, elderly Party members and elderly women cadres.

Shen urged fulfillment of the tasks of high-quality education related to Party history with high standards, full mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of women, and sought to unite and guide women to follow the Party's lead in working hard to fully build a modern socialist country and to welcome the Party's centenary with outstanding achievements.

At the former base of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at Xibaipo in Pingshan County, and at the Xibaipo Memorial Hall and the former site of the Central Committee of Women's Movement, Shen took in the historical exhibits and photos, listened to the guides carefully, and reviewed the glorious history of the CPC in leading Chinese people in their striving for liberation and a better life.

ACWF President Stresses Fully Mobilizing Women's Enthusiasm, Initiative and Creativity, Working Hard to Build a Modern Socialist Country

Shen Yueyue (2nd, L), President of the All-China Women's Federation, visits an edible mushroom industrial zone during her inspection tour to North China's Hebei Province. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


In Luotuowan Village, Fuping County, Shen chatted with an elderly woman, Tang Zongxiu, about the changes in her life. Shen said that the changes of the lives of local villagers showed the great victory in the fight against poverty.

During her inspection tour of a poverty relief workshop in a village, Shen learned about the details of how rural women can find nearby jobs, care for elderly people and educate children and receive free screening of breast and cervical cancers.

Shen also inspected an edible mushroom industrial zone, a pigeon raising industrial zone, a pharmacy research institute and a local company where there are many women employees. Shen studied the important speeches delivered by General Secretary Xi with some women employees, and discussed their ideals, career pursuits and difficulties in life with them.

Shen encouraged the women employees to be the builders of a great cause, the advocates of civilized social conduct and the pursuers of dreams in a bid to promote high-quality development and to make more contributions to achieving the Chinese Dream.

ACWF President Stresses Fully Mobilizing Women's Enthusiasm, Initiative and Creativity, Working Hard to Build a Modern Socialist Country

Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, holds a symposium during her inspection tour to North China's Hebei Province. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


During her inspection, Shen hosted a symposium with staff members of the Hebei Women's Federation and women representatives from the fields of science and technology, culture, education, health care, politics and law, housekeeping service, and grassroots-level Party organizations and women's federations.

ACWF President Stresses Fully Mobilizing Women's Enthusiasm, Initiative and Creativity, Working Hard to Build a Modern Socialist Country

Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, delivers a speech at the symposium during her inspection tour to North China's Hebei Province. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


Shen fully affirmed local women and women's federations at all levels in Hebei for their efforts in clinching the victories in epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development and in building a dynamic and beautiful Hebei in an all-round way.

Shen called for efforts to carry out publicity and education activities related to the history of the CPC, the country, reform and opening-up, and socialist development at the grassroots level, and to implement the publicity and education activities of the women's federations in villages, schools, communities and women's homes.

The women's federations were urged to promote women's development through holding activities, building platforms, improving policies and mechanisms and publicizing women role models, to encourage women from all walks of life to make contributions at their posts, to support women scientific and technical workers to put their talent to good use, and to mobilize women to play a role in comprehensively pushing forward rural revitalization.

Efforts should also be made to promote family civilization, strengthen family education guidance service, help families solve their problems related to care for children and elderly people, and give full play to the key role of family, family education and family tradition in social governance at the primary level.

Wu Haiying, Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, also participated in the inspection tour.


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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