Huang Addresses Second Women Power Forum, Inaugural Ceremony of HKFW's Board (2021-2023)

ByYe Shan October 28, 2021
Huang Addresses Second Women Power Forum, Inaugural Ceremony of HKFW's Board (2021-2023)


At the invitation of the Hong Kong Federation of Women (HKFW), Huang Xiaowei, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), delivered a speech via video during the Second Women Power Forum and the inaugural ceremony of HKFW's board (2021-2023). The event was held on October 23, 2021.

In her address, Huang extended sincere greetings and best wishes to women from all walks of life in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and she congratulated the board on its election to a new term.

Huang noted, during the 100 years of splendid history, when the Communist Party of China (CPC) united and led Chinese people in working hard, women in Hong Kong never missed their opportunities to take part in the nation's historical progress. Huang highly praised women's organizations in the HKSAR, especially the HKFW, for their adherence to the tradition of loving their motherland and loving their region, and for their firm support of HKSAR's governance in accordance with the law. Huang also praised the organizations for encouraging women in Hong Kong to participate in regional development, make contributions to their motherland's progress in all fields, and contribute their strength to Hong Kong's stable governance and prosperity. Huang noted the women's organizations have provided loving support in the fight against novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and in disaster-relief work in the Chinese mainland, and as such they have showcased both their patriotism and the great sense of responsibility shared by women in Hong Kong.

Huang noted the Central Government has issued a series of policies to safeguard Hong Kong's economic and social development and to ensure people live and work in peace in the HKSAR. Under the firm leadership of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, and led by the CPC Central Committee, Hong Kong will surely make new achievements in backing the motherland and embracing the world. Women in Hong Kong will definitely seize opportunities to achieve greater progress, Huang added.

She encouraged members of the HKFW to remember General Secretary Xi's instructions on women's work, and under the leadership of HKFW President Pansy Ho and the newly elected board, the HKFW will continue upholding the belief in loving the motherland and loving the HKSAR, implement comprehensively and precisely the "One Country, Two Systems" principle and the rule of "patriots governing Hong Kong." Huang also encouraged the HKFW to unite women from all walks of life in Hong Kong to participate in their country's overall development, and to explore Hong Kong's new advantages as an international metropolis and a strategic hub in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).

Huang hoped women in Hong Kong will play their unique roles in helping Hong Kong achieve development and prosperity during the new journey of progressing with the motherland, and she called on women in Hong Kong to be builders of the great cause, advocates of civilized social conduct and brave strivers who pursue their dreams.

Huang Addresses Second Women Power Forum, Inaugural Ceremony of HKFW's Board (2021-2023)


Leung Chun-ying, Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Honorary Consultant to the Women Power Forum, gave the keynote speech "China's NGOs, from Hong Kong to the World" during a special session of the forum. HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam addressed the forum's opening via video link. Commissioner Liu Guangyuan, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR, and Lu Xinning, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, gave speeches.

Ho said under the leadership of the Central Government and the government of HKSAR, Hong Kong has opened a new chapter of development since the region regained stability. The HKFW will continue acting as a bridge, giving play to Hong Kong's advantages, building platforms for women and youth, and enhancing women and youth's participation in the construction of GBA and the great cause of the development of their home country, she added.

The Second Women Power Forum invited women talents from the Chinese mainland and the HKSAR, as well as women representatives from other countries or regions, to discuss industry and commerce, finance and the economy, health and sports, social education and arts and culture. More than 1,000 participants attended either online or in person.

Huang Addresses Second Women Power Forum, Inaugural Ceremony of HKFW's Board (2021-2023)


Huang Addresses Second Women Power Forum, Inaugural Ceremony of HKFW's Board (2021-2023)


(Women of China)


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