ACWF Publicizes Top 10 Women, Children's Rights-Protection Cases

 February 19, 2022

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) released the list of the nation's top 10 women and children's rights-protection cases, and the list of individuals and collectives, from different regions of the country, who distinguished themselves in the protection of women and children's legal rights and interests on December 28, 2021.

Since January 2021, ACWF and its four member units — the women workers' committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the China Women Judges Association, the China Women Prosecutors Association and the women lawyers' committee of the All China Lawyers Association — have documented the cases in which women and children's rights have been effectively protected. They have also selected 49 cases from among those cases. Experts from the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, universities and law firms have selected 10 from those 49 cases as the top 10 women and children's rights-protection cases.

The 10 cases involved infringements of women's personal rights and their rights in employment and marriage. Selection of the cases highlights the achievements of law enforcement agencies, women's federations, trade unions and social forces in working together to protect women and children's rights and interests in recent years.


(Women of China English Monthly January 2022 issue)


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