First National Family Education Publicity Week Launched

 May 8, 2022

Various activities will be held to mark China's first national family education publicity week around the International Day of Families, which falls on May 15 annually, according to a guideline unveiled by the All-China Women's Federation and the Ministry of Education.

The guideline stressed that publicity activities themed with family education and the law on family education promotion will be held across the country from May 9 to 15, to publicize the important discourses made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the building of family, family education and family traditions, popularize the law on family education promotion, address parents' concerns in raising children, promote scientific knowledge, concepts and methods of family education, guide parents to assume the primary responsibility in family education, and let core socialist values take root in every family.

It requires all regions to focus on the implementation of the law on family education promotion, including developing various publicity products such as folders and electronic posters, establishing columns to publish experts' articles and videos related to family education, publicizing the stories of role model families in raising children in a scientific way and promoting the law to every family.

It also requires focusing on fostering virtue through education, including providing family education lessons through online family education platforms, giving lectures on school-family-community cooperative education, holding exhibitions on family education and traditions, and offering family education guidance services both online and offline.

Special attention will be paid to special groups, including migrant children, left-behind children whose parents have migrated to other places for work, disadvantaged children and juveniles involved in legal cases. Targeted family education guidance services will be provided to the families of medical workers on the frontline of COVID-19 epidemic control and prevention and those who stay at home because of the epidemic.

The organizers will kick off the online themed activity on May 9, marking the beginning of family education publicity week.


(Source: Xinhua/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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