ACWF Vice-President Conducts Investigation Tour of Yunnan, Guangxi

 June 30, 2022

Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), conducted an investigation tour of Southwest China's Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from June 20 to 25, to promote the spirit of the congratulatory letter sent by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the China National Children's Center on the 40th anniversary of its founding.

Together with local women and staff members of the women's federations at the grassroots level, Huang reviewed the enormous transformation that has taken place in the country under the leadership of the Party. She also investigated on how to give play to the role of women in containing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy and keeping development secure in a better way.

ACWF Vice-President Conducts Investigation Tour of Yunnan, Guangxi


When visiting Huaping Senior High School for Girls, China's first free high school for girls, in Lijiang City in Yunnan Province, Huang conveyed the greetings of Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the ACWF, to Zhang Guimei, principal of the school, recipient of the July 1 Medal (the Party's highest honor) and the National March 8th Red-banner Pacesetter.

Guided by members of local women's narration team, Huang listened to the stories about the late Huang Wenxiu, posthumous winner of the July 1 Medal who lost her life on the front line of the country's fight against poverty in 2019, in a memorial hall for her in Baise City in Guangxi.

At a girls' class in the name of Huang Wenxiu in Guangxi Youjiang Commercial College for Nationalities, Huang asked girl students about their study and life in details and encouraged them to follow the example of Huang Wenxiu, study hard and contribute to building a better hometown in the future.

ACWF Vice-President Conducts Investigation Tour of Yunnan, Guangxi


In villages in Yunnan and Guangxi, Huang learned about how local women participated in rural revitalization, ecological protection and social governance at the primary level. She participated in women's activities for welcoming the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. She called for greater efforts to publicize the stories of women role models and role model families and guide women to unswervingly follow the Party's lead in embarking on a new journey.

ACWF Vice-President Conducts Investigation Tour of Yunnan, Guangxi


When visiting a one-stop service center for women and children in Kunming, capital city of Yunnan, Huang hailed the efforts made by the women's federations in collaboration with the departments of public security, procuratorate, judiciary and justice to safeguard the legal rights and interests of women and children.

In an environmental protection company in Dali City in Yunnan, an entrepreneurship service center for women in Kunming, a physical offline store of "Guangxi Sisters" (an online business initiative launched by Guangxi Women's Federation to support local rural women and women entrepreneurs) and an incubation base for women's social organizations, Huang stressed that making use of national policies on helping ease enterprises' burdens, ensuring stable income increase for rural women, supporting women college graduates get jobs or start businesses, and helping women entrepreneurs facilitate the early resumption of full-capacity production.

In a women and children's activity center in Guangxi, Huang urged giving full play to its demonstration role and implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education.

When visiting Quanzhou County in Guangxi, which was hit by flood disaster recently, Huang talked with local women and members of the executive committees of the local women's federations to learn about the resettlement of flood-affected women and children in details, and urged taking more precise and concrete measures to care for and serve local women and children.

Huang stressed giving play to women's federations' role of guiding, serving and contacting women, and guiding women to become builders of the great cause, advocates of civilized social conduct and strivers who pursue their dreams.

Huang called on women's federations to guide the public to focus on the building of family, family education and family traditions, endeavor to become a guide for children's growth, a guardian for children's rights and interests and a builder for children's future. She also noted the importance of providing rights protection services for women and children at a regular basis at the grassroots level, and conveying the care and warmth of the Party to women and children.


(Source: China Women's News/ Translated and Edited by Women of China)


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