Aerospace·Dream – Spring Bud Project Launched

 November 19, 2022

To respond to the initiative, which called for joint efforts to promote and implement the Spring Bud Project — Dream of Future Action, the China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF) and China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Limited (CASIC) on November 16 launched the Aerospace·Dream — Spring Bud Project. The initiative was announced in 2021 by Professor Peng Liyuan, special envoy for the Spring Bud Project to promote girls' education in China.

The project will operate in Dongchuan District, in Kunming, and Fuyuan County, in Qujing, both in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, from 2023-2025. The project aims to help girls grow healthily and develop in an all-round way through various approaches, such as providing financial support for disadvantaged girls' education, establishing girls' growth stations, organizing girls' participation in activities at relevant units of aerospace science and industry, and inviting women science and technology workers to offer guidance to the girls. The project is expected to benefit about 150,000 girls and their families.

Aerospace·Dream – Spring Bud Project Launched


The CCTF and CASIC signed a strategic cooperation agreement during the launch ceremony. Xu Nuo, deputy director of the Science and Technology Committee of the 206 Institute of CASIC Second Research Institute, and Wang Xinting, a middle school student from Fuyuan County, gave speeches on behalf of women science and technology workers and the girls.

Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), Yuan Jie, President of CASIC, Chen Xiurong, President of CCTF, and Li Shisong, Secretary of Qujing Municipal Party Committee, attended the launch ceremony. Zhao Wen, Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, presided over the ceremony.

Aerospace·Dream – Spring Bud Project Launched


During her speech, Huang encouraged students to bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's instruction, aspire to be youth in the new era who have ideals, dare to bear hardships and be willing to struggle, and contribute to the building of a modern socialist country, in all respects. She said she hoped all parties involved in the project will have close communications and in-depth cooperation, unite more social forces, and strive to become guides for children's growth, guardians for their rights and interests, and builders for their future.

Yuan and Li said CASIC and the local government will leverage their respective strengths to improve girls' education and scientific and technological literacy, and to help boost rural revitalization.

A total of 110 people, including those from CASIC, ACWF and CCTF, and teachers and students from Dongchuan and Fuyuan, attended the launch ceremony.


Photos Supplied by CCTF

(Women of China English Monthly)


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