Shen Yueyue: Making Studying, Implementing Spirit of 20th CPC National Congress Top Priority and Primary Political Task, Leading Women to Strive in Unity to Build Modern Socialist Country in All Respects

 October 29, 2022

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) held a meeting, in Beijing on October 25, so its vice-presidents could study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the ACWF, presided over the meeting.

Shen noted the national congress was a very important event at a critical moment when the whole Party and the people, of all ethnic groups, were embarking on a new journey to build a modern socialist country, in all respects, and as they were marching toward the Second Centenary Goal. The congress, Shen added, was also of great practical and far-reaching historical significance in the mobilization of the whole Party and the people, of all ethnic groups, to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to strive in unity to build a modern socialist country, in all respects.

The report delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping was a political declaration, and the program of action for the Party to unite and lead the Chinese people, of all ethnic groups, in winning new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the report was a programmatic document of Marxism, Shen said. The re-election of Xi Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission embodies the common will of the Party, and the wholehearted support of the Party, the armed forces and the Chinese people, of all ethnic groups. 

Shen added that Chinese firmly believe with Xi as the core of the Party, the leader of the people and the commander-in-chief of the army, Chinese will be able to overcome any risks and challenges on our way forward, and Chinese will be able to achieve the goals and tasks set at the congress.

Shen noted the remarkable achievements during the past 10 years, in the new era, stand out in history because the CPC has established Xi's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and has defined the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Shen urged the cadres of women's federations, at all levels, to make studying and implementing the spirit of the congress a top priority, and a primary political task, and she urged the cadres to have a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Xi's core position on the Party Central Committee, and in the Party as a whole, and in defining the guiding role of  Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. 

The cadres should fully implement  Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and they should continue to improve their capacity for political judgment, thinking, and implementation, and they should become more purposeful in closely following the Party Central Committee in thinking, political stance, and action, Shen said. The cadres should also better guide, serve and contact women, and lead women to follow the instructions and guidance of the Party and strive in unity to write a new chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, Shen added. 

Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, conveyed the spirit of the congress during the meeting. She also explained the Secretariat's arrangement on studying and implementing the spirit of the congress. Yu Yanhong, Ma Lu, Song Yushui and Meng Man, vice-presidents of the ACWF, gave speeches and demonstrated their firm confidence in implementing the spirit of the congress, and promoting the development of women's cause.

Participants agreed the congress had comprehensively summarized the work of the past five years, the great changes in the first decade of the new era, and that the happening of the changes was fundamentally because Xi, as the core of the CPC Central Committee, and the whole Party, had taken the helm, and the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era had provided scientific guidance.

During the meeting, it was required the women's federations' cadres should:

Understand the significance of the work of the past five years and the great changes in the first decade of the new era and uphold Xi's position as the core of the CPC Central Committee, and the whole Party, as well as the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership; 

Study the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Party's innovative theory, put the people first, be confident and self-reliant, uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, take a problem-oriented and systematic approach, and educate and guide women with the Party's innovative theory;

Understand the mission of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, through a Chinese path to modernization, deepen the understanding of the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese modernization, and guide women to work hard and contribute to the national rejuvenation; 

Adhere to the people-centered philosophy of development, understand the fact that Party members act for the people and rely on the people in everything they do is determined by the Party's original aspiration and founding mission, and better serve women, children and families;

Understand the important requirements of leading great social revolution with great self-revolution, always exercise full and rigorous Party self-governance and self-targeted revolution, uphold the overall leadership of the Party, and make the work of women's federations more politically responsive, up to date, and geared to the demands of the masses; and, 

Understand that striving in unity leads to victory, and leads women to make new and greater achievements on the new journey of the new era.

Women's federations, at all levels, should call on women to study and implement the spirit of the congress, guide women's federations' cadres to transform the effectiveness of learning into a powerful driving force for conducting work, and lead women to strive in unity on the new journey and make new achievements in the new era. Women's federations should continue to carry out various women's activities and guide women to make greater achievements, better carry out work related to family and further implement the national fundamental policy of gender equality. 

Women's federations should deepen reform, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international women's organizations, and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Women's federations should also properly carry out epidemic prevention and control work, promote economic development and social stability, and effectively conduct work concerning women.

The meeting was attended by members of the Leading Party Members' Group, the Secretariat of the ACWF, members of the discipline inspection and supervision team of CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, stationed in All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and cadres of ACWF's departments and units.


(Source: Women's Voice/Women of China English Monthly)


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