China Ready to Usher in Another Brilliant 50 Years of Ties with Argentina: Xi

 February 7, 2022

BEIJING, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Argentine President Alberto Fernandez Sunday in Beijing, saying that China is willing to advance exchanges and cooperation in various fields and usher in another brilliant 50 years under the comprehensive strategic partnership with Argentina.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Argentina, Xi said, hailing mutual understanding and support over the past half century.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the two sides have stood together and helped each other, setting a good example of solidarity and cooperation among emerging market economies, Xi said.

China is willing to share development opportunities with Argentina and help Argentina increase exports and promote industrial upgrade, he said.

Calling for implementing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, Xi said the two sides should deepen cooperation in the fields including trade, agriculture, energy and mining, infrastructure, investment and financing as well as pandemic response. He also proposed to cultivate new growth points of cooperation in digital economy and green development.

Noting this year marks the "Year of China-Argentina Friendship and Cooperation," Xi said the two sides will actively facilitate culture, sport, media, youth and local exchanges.

China is ready to work closely with Argentina within the frameworks of the United Nations and the G20 to practice true multilateralism, improve global governance, and jointly advance the Global Development Initiative, Xi said.

Hailing the great achievements in bilateral cooperation over the past 50 years, Fernandez said that Argentina is always firmly committed to the one-China policy as well as deepening the friendship between the two sides.

He expressed gratitude to China for providing a large amount of medical supplies and vaccines at the critical moment of Argentina's fight against COVID-19, and expressed the hope of continuing to strengthen cooperation with China on vaccine and pharmaceutical production.

Argentina will continue to actively participate in Belt and Road cooperation and welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in the country, said Fernandez, who attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The two sides have issued a joint statement on deepening the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership and signed a series of documents for cooperation, including a memorandum of understanding on jointly promoting the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. 

Chinese, Argentine presidents announce launch of Year of Friendly Cooperation: joint statement

China, Argentina sign MoU on Belt and Road Initiative: joint statement


(Source: Xinhua)


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