Xiplomacy: Xi Committed to Strengthening China-Germany Relations, China-EU Ties

 May 11, 2022
Xiplomacy: Xi Committed to Strengthening China-Germany Relations, China-EU Ties
An Air China airplane prepares to land at Frankfurt airport in Frankfurt, Germany, on Jan. 17, 2022. [Xinhua/Lu Yang]


BEIJING, May 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping had a virtual meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday, calling for joint efforts to leverage the stabilizing, constructive and steering role of their relationship.

During the meeting, Xi also expressed his hope that Germany will play a positive role in developing a steady and sound China-EU relationship.

On various occasions, Xi has elaborated on the importance of strengthening China-Germany relations as well as China-EU ties. The following are some highlights of Xi's remarks in this regard.


May 9, 2022

In the virtual meeting with Scholz, Xi said both China and Germany are major countries with important influence.

Under the current circumstances, it is particularly important for the two countries to maintain sound and steady growth of bilateral ties and better harness the stabilizing, constructive and steering role of this relationship, Xi said.

This not only serves the interests of the Chinese and German peoples but will also contribute significantly to world peace and tranquility, Xi added.

Xi underscored that China and the EU are comprehensive strategic partners and each other's opportunity, and that the two sides have far more common interests than differences.

It is important that the two sides, with a dialectical and long-term view, with mutual respect and with the right perception, increase communication and enhance mutual trust, Xi said.

Xiplomacy: Xi Committed to Strengthening China-Germany Relations, China-EU Ties
The Olympic delegation of Germany parade into the National Stadium during the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 4, 2022. [Xinhua/Yang Lei]


March 8, 2022

During a virtual summit with French President Emmanuel Macron and Scholz, Xi noted that China and the EU share much common understanding on promoting peace, seeking development and advancing cooperation.

Xi said it is important for the two sides to enhance dialogue, stay committed to cooperation, and promote steady and sustained progress of China-EU relations.

China's development will create broader space for China-EU cooperation, Xi said, adding that the two sides must, under the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, further deepen green and digital partnerships as well as practical cooperation in various fields.


Dec. 21, 2021

In a phone conversation with Scholz, Xi said China attaches great importance to its relations with Germany, noting that the two countries should chart the general course of bilateral relations from a strategic perspective.

Over the past half century, China-Germany relations have demonstrated ample vitality, endurance, resilience and potential, Xi said, adding that for the next 50 years, the two countries should embrace a global vision from a long-term perspective, forge ahead and strive for new development of China-Germany relations.

Xiplomacy: Xi Committed to Strengthening China-Germany Relations, China-EU Ties
A China-Europe freight train is towed into Guoyuan Port in Chongqing, southwest China, Feb. 19, 2022. A Yuxin'ou (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) China-Europe freight train carrying more than 1,100 tonnes of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and other fine chemical products left Guoyuan Port in Chongqing for Duisburg of Germany on Feb. 20. [Xinhua/Tang Yi]


Dec. 8, 2021

In a congratulatory message to Scholz on his election as German chancellor, Xi said he is willing to work with Scholz to promote the bilateral ties to a new level.

China and Germany are all-round strategic partners, Xi noted, adding that over the years, they have been adhering to mutual respect, seeking common ground while shelving differences and pursuing win-win cooperation, which has yielded results benefiting the two countries, their people and the world.

Facing the major changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century, China and Germany have strengthened communication and cooperation, jointly supported the global fight against COVID-19 and promoted economic recovery, demonstrating their sense of responsibility as major countries, Xi said.


Oct. 13, 2021

During a virtual meeting with then German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Xi and Merkel reviewed the development of China-German and China-EU relations in recent years.

Noting that 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, Xi said that keeping bilateral ties on the right course is of crucial importance.

"China always views its relationship with Germany from a strategic and long-term perspective, and is ready to maintain high-level exchanges with the German side, promote mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples, tap the potential for cooperation in traditional fields, while exploring new areas of pragmatic cooperation in energy transition and the green and digital economy, among other areas, to further advance bilateral ties," Xi said.


(Source: Xinhua)


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