Xi Calls for Creating a New Chapter in Sichuan's Development

 June 11, 2022
Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits XGIMI optoelectronic company to learn about its independent innovation in Yibin, southwest China's Sichuan Province, June 8, 2022. [Xinhua/Xie Huanchi]


CHENGDU, June 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made an inspection tour of southwest China's Sichuan Province. Xi stressed resolute implementation of the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, carrying forward the great founding spirit of the Party, and being firm in the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability. He required full, accurate, and comprehensive application of the new development philosophy and actively serving and integrating into the new development paradigm.

Efforts should be made to coordinate COVID-19 response with economic and social development, to stabilize economic development, and to maintain overall social stability, so that the governance and development of Sichuan will be brought to a new level and a new chapter will be opened in Sichuan's development as a part of the new journey to building a modern socialist country in all respects, Xi noted. He called for concrete actions to set the stage for the success of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.

On June 8, Xi, accompanied by Wang Xiaohui, Party secretary of Sichuan Province and Huang Qiang, governor of the province, made a fact-finding trip to Meishan, Yibin, and other places. Xi went to a village, a cultural relic protection site, a university, and a company.

On June 1, a 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck Ya'an City, Sichuan Province. Xi immediately gave important instructions, requiring Sichuan provincial committee of the CPC and Sichuan provincial people's government to spare no effort in disaster rescue and relief, consoling the families of the earthquake victims. Medical care to the injured should be provided in a timely manner and arrangements made to help those affected by the earthquake, secondary disasters should be prevented, reconstruction be well planned and normal order of life and production be restored as soon as possible, Xi required.

The central departments concerned immediately activated the national level-3 earthquake emergency response and local authorities lost no time in coordinating disaster rescue and relief work. Efforts have been made to ensure all channels are open to save people's lives, the injured are well attended to, and those affected by the earthquake are relocated and resettled in a timely manner. Currently, most residents from earthquake-hit areas have returned to their homes. The province has de-activated the emergency response and shifted the focus to post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.

During his visit in Sichuan, Xi has been concerned with the treatment of those injured in the earthquake and how people lead their lives as well as how the production is in the earthquake-hit areas. He inquired about detailed information on the disaster relief work and urged local authorities time and again to ensure the injured are well attended to, to pay attention to people's psychological counseling, and make well-considered arrangements for the victims of the disaster and the consoling of the victims' family. The supply of daily necessities in the earthquake-hit areas should be guaranteed. Sound planning and solid work should be carried out to reconstruct the earthquake-hit areas so that people can resume normal life and production as soon as possible, Xi stressed.

On the morning of June 8, Xi paid a visit to Yongfeng Village of Taihe Town in Dongpo District, Meishan City, for an inspection tour. Relying on its paddy and rice industry and technological advantages, the village established the largest experimental base featuring new rice varieties and new technologies in the province. At a high standard paddy field base, Xi learned about the general development of the village and affirmed the village's continuous efforts in helping safeguard national food security by planting grains. Xi stressed that the Chengdu Plain has been lauded as a land of abundance since ancient times, that the area of farmland must be ensured and such a precious land for food production must be well protected. He also called for even greater efforts to bolster up grain production and build a higher-level "granary of heaven" in the new era.

Xi walked into the experimental field to take a closer look at the growth of the rice. Agricultural and technical staff members briefed the general secretary on the experimental paddy seed breeding and the promotion of planting. Xi pointed out that it was time consuming for cultivating improved varieties of rice as it required repeated experiments and selection, and all the country's scientific and technical workers in the agricultural sector have made arduous efforts. They have made invaluable contributions to safeguarding national food security and ensuring that the people enjoy ample supply of food and clothing. Xi added that advancing agricultural modernization requires efforts not only of experts but also those of all farmers, that the promotion and application of modern agricultural science and technologies and training of farmers must be strengthened, all big grain growers must be organized to actively develop green, ecological, and efficient agriculture. We have the confidence and determination to ensure the food supply for the Chinese people through our own efforts, Xi said.

Xi is very concerned about rural revitalization. He walked along the roads to take a look at the sewage treatment tanks in Yongfeng Village as well as its overall appearance. He also inspected a medical service center in the village to further learn about the improvement of villagers' living environment and the COVID-19 prevention and control work. Xi stressed that the villagers are concerned about health care the most after they have enough to eat and wear. The building of a rural health care system must be advanced to ensure that all the people in rural areas have access to basic medical services. He also called for efforts to build primary-level Party organizations well so that villagers can be united to further promote rural revitalization after bidding farewell to poverty.

Before waving goodbye to the villagers, Xi told them that as the country's ruling party, the CPC will further advance the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics step by step and spare no efforts to complete all the tasks related to people's well-being, so as to lead the people to a better life.

Located in downtown Meishan City, San Su Ci is the memorial temple and former residence of three literary masters, Su Xun and his two sons, Su Shi, who is also known as Su Dongpo, and Su Zhe. During his visit to the temple, Xi learned about the life experience, main literary achievements, and family precepts and traditions of the three masters, as well as the historical evolution of the temple and the research and inheritance of Dongpo culture.

Chinese civilization has a history of more than 5,000 years, and fine traditional Chinese culture should be honored and cultural confidence strengthened, Xi said. He highlighted that it is important to draw on ways of state governance from fine traditional Chinese culture and learn extensively from outstanding achievements of other civilizations.

China should neither keep to itself, nor regard all from foreign countries as criterion. It must adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Xi said.

Family traditions and education are the most precious wealth of a family and the best legacy for future generations. Xi called for more emphasis on family traditions and education and on cultivating a strong sentiment to love families and the motherland among future generations so that young people will strive to grow into talent who can contribute to the development of the country and the society. He urged that members of the CPC and officials, especially leading officials, must act in a clean manner, run their homes frugally, keep integrity, discipline themselves in performing their duties and their families, and develop fine family traditions of CPC members in the new era.

On the afternoon of June 8, Xi made an inspection tour of Yibin City. The Yangtze River, Jinsha River, and Minjiang River meet in the downtown area of Yibin, which presents a magnificent scene. Built on the riverside, Yibin is known as the first city on the Yangtze River. Years of efforts on environmental improvement have turned the banks of the three rivers into a beautiful waterfront park frequented by local people.

Looking far into the convergence of the three rivers at Sanjiangkou, Xi was briefed about the ecological restoration and protection of the Yangtze River basin and implementation of the fishing ban in the river.

Xi pointed out that protecting the ecological environment of the Yangtze River basin is key to driving high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and preserving the region as the cradle of Chinese civilization. Since Sichuan is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, he called for the local government to increase their awareness of the overall picture, develop a strong sense about the protection of the upstream reaches, implement the policy of well-coordinated environmental protection instead of excessive development, and keep the river water clean through sound ecological conservation.

Xi paid close attention to the employment of college graduates as their total number is estimated to reach a record high of 10.76 million this year, up 1.67 million year on year. He chose Yibin University as a stop, watching the exhibition of creative works of excellent graduate students and learning about how the university helped graduates find jobs and start their businesses. At a job fair held on campus, Xi talked with the faculty, students, and employers to learn more about what kind of employees were wanted and how the graduates fared in landing a job. Xi stressed that the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to the employment of university graduates and adopted a set of policies and measures. Noting that now is a key time for college graduates to get employed, Xi emphasized efforts to tap employment resources and provide pragmatic and careful guidance and services. He urged colleges, employers, and related authorities to make sure more graduates sign employment contracts, particularly those from families that have just shaken off poverty, families receiving minimum living allowances, and families without a bread-earner, as well as those who have disabilities or did not get employed long after graduation. Telling the students that a happy life is the result of one's own hard work, Xi urged them to look at their own abilities and the needs of society in a down-to-earth and objective manner, choose a profession and a job based on actual conditions, be diligent and pragmatic, and improve themselves step by step through actual work. He encouraged the students to consciously practice core socialist values and strive to achieve all-round development in terms of moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility, and work skills.

The next stop Xi visited was XGIMI Optoelectronic Co., Ltd. Touring the company's exhibition hall and factory, he was briefed about the company's efforts in independent innovation, product R&D and marketing, and job creation. He also learned about how the local government has made efforts to support private businesses and issue policies to help industries, micro, small and medium enterprises, and self-employed individuals hit hard by COVID-19 to overcome difficulties. Xi stressed that we should advance scientific and technological innovation and foster more top-notch enterprises in all sectors so that we will have more "hidden champions" and form clusters of scientific and technological innovators.

In the square outside the factory, Xi chatted with the company's employees. He stressed that as a major manufacturer, China should strive to improve its innovation capabilities and accelerate its transformation to a country strong in manufacturing. Noting that to become a country with improved composite strength means China should be strong in all fields and aspects, Xi said that to build a modern socialist country in all respects and realize national rejuvenation, the future is bright but the path leading to it can be tortuous. Facing dangerous rapids and shoals, we should be brave to meet risks and challenges. There is no such thing as a windfall, and progress will have to be achieved through our joint efforts. Most of you were born in the 1980s and 1990s, now is the right time for you to strive with aspiration, a sense of responsibility, and diligence, Xi said. By the middle of this century when a great modern socialist country in all respects is realized, we all will be proud of doing our bit in building a strong country and fulfilling the Chinese Dream.

On his inspection tour, Xi pointed out that all local governments and relevant departments must resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. Xi required that, abiding by the principle of making progress while maintaining stability, they should do a good job in all areas of reform, development and stability, with a view to maintaining a stable and healthy economic environment, a peaceful social environment, and a clean and righteous political environment, and thus create a good atmosphere for the convening of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.

Xi called on all local governments and departments to do a good job in coordinating epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, and resolutely overcome challenges currently in the way of economic development. He emphasized that efforts must be made to create jobs, guarantee social security, and provide aid for people living in difficulties. Work in all areas must be done well to make people feel reassured and therefore social stability is secured, Xi said.

Perseverance makes the difference, and the country's dynamic zero-COVID approach must be unswervingly continued, Xi said. He required that people must have confidence, clear up all obstructions, and never slacken vigilance to ensure key links are consolidated in the control and prevention work, and thus what the country has achieved in its response to the epidemic can be consolidated.

Speaking of recent floods and geological disasters that occurred in some parts of China, Xi called for early contingency preparations by all localities and relevant departments to preempt major floods and other natural disasters and get well prepared for disaster relief. All localities and departments are urged to strengthen disaster prevention capabilities in order to safeguard people's lives and property.

Overall planning and coordination must be strengthened to make sure that hidden dangers of natural disasters can be detected in advance through careful patrol and inspection, Xi stressed. Xi also called for the protection of important infrastructure works, improved early forecast and warning of rainfall, typhoons, mountain torrents, and debris flows, as well as redoubled efforts to guarantee smooth traffic flow, and meticulous and down-to-earth measures for flood control and disaster relief.

He required that swift rescue efforts must be made immediately after disasters to strictly prevent secondary disasters and reduce casualties and loss of property to the minimum. He called for efforts to resume production and people's normal life as soon as possible while doing a good job in rescue and disaster relief. He also called for a good job in providing support and aid to people affected by disasters, maintaining sanitation, and preventing epidemic from happening after natural disasters, so as to avert relapses into poverty as a result of disasters.

Ding Xuexiang, Liu He, Chen Xi, He Lifeng, and some other officials of the central authorities are also on the inspection tour.

On the morning of June 9, Xi met with the military officers above senior colonel level and major commanders of regiments in Chengdu. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, he extended sincere greetings to all the officers and troops stationed in Chengdu and had a group photo with them. Xu Qiliang was present at the meeting.  


(Source: Xinhua)


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