Xi's Article on Historic Mission of CPC in New Era to Be Published

 October 1, 2022

BEIJING, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) — An article on the historic mission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the new era by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, will be published.

The article by Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will be published on Saturday in this year's 19th issue of the Qiushi Journal, a flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee.

Noting national rejuvenation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since modern times began, the article stresses that the CPC, at its founding, made realizing Communism its highest ideal and ultimate goal and shouldered the historic mission of national rejuvenation.

To accomplish this historic mission, the Party has never forgotten its founding mission, nor wavered in its pursuit. It has united the people and led them in experiencing all manner of adversities, enduring great sacrifices, meeting setbacks squarely, and courageously righting wrongs, conquering countless challenges and creating miracle upon miracle, the article adds.

The CPC is closer to, more confident in, and more capable of, than ever before, making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality, the article notes, admitting that it will be no walk in the park. It calls on every member of the Party to be prepared to work even harder toward this goal.

"Realizing our great dream demands a great struggle," reads the article. "If our Party is to unite and lead the people to effectively respond to major challenges, withstand major risks, overcome major obstacles, and address major conflicts, it must undertake a great struggle with many new contemporary features."

Realizing our great dream demands a great project, it says, noting that this project is the great new project of Party building that is just getting into full swing.

Realizing our great dream demands a great cause, it adds.

"Our whole Party must strengthen our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics," reads the article.

"We must maintain our political orientation, do the good solid work that sees our country thrive, and continue to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics," it says.

All work to advance this project must go hand in hand with that geared toward the struggle, the cause, and the dream. "We must see that as history progresses and the world undergoes profound changes, the Party remains always ahead of the times," it adds.


(Source: Xinhua)


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