Heads of State of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Congratulate Signing of Intergovernmental Agreement on Railway Project

 June 7, 2024
Heads of State of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Congratulate Signing of Intergovernmental Agreement on Railway Project
Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulates via video link the signing of an intergovernmental agreement in Beijing, capital of China on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project, June 6, 2024. [Xinhua/Li Xueren]


BEIJING, June 6 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Thursday congratulated via video link the signing of an intergovernmental agreement in Beijing on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project.

Xi pointed out that the railway is a strategic project of connectivity between China and the Central Asia and a landmark project of the three countries' cooperation efforts under the Belt and Road Initiative.

He said the signing of the intergovernmental agreement will provide a solid legal basis for the construction of the project, marking the transition of the railway from a vision into a reality, and demonstrating to the world the firm determination of the three countries to promote cooperation and seek development together.

China is ready to work with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to prepare for the launch of the project and build this strategic corridor at an early date to benefit the three countries and their peoples and boost the economic and social development of the region, Xi said.

Japarov said the railway is a flagship project of the three countries in jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative. Once completed, it will become a new transport route linking Asia to Europe and the Persian Gulf countries, which is of great significance to promoting connectivity and strengthening economic and trade exchanges among the countries along the route and in the region as a whole, he said.

It is hoped that the railway will be completed and put into operation at an early date to provide new impetus for the common development of the region and the well-being of people in all countries, Japarov added.

Mirziyoyev said the signing ceremony is of historic significance and a substantial step forward in building regional connectivity.

He said the railway will become the shortest land channel between China and the Central Asian countries, and open up the big markets of the South Asian and Middle East countries.

This will help further expand cooperation with China and deepen friendly relations between countries in the region, and serve the long-term interests of all countries, Mirziyoyev added. 

Heads of State of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Congratulate Signing of Intergovernmental Agreement on Railway Project
Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov congratulates via video link the signing of an intergovernmental agreement in Beijing, capital of China on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project, June 6, 2024. [Xinhua/Xing Guangli]


Heads of State of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Congratulate Signing of Intergovernmental Agreement on Railway Project
Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulates via video link the signing of an intergovernmental agreement in Beijing, capital of China on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project, June 6, 2024. [Xinhua/Xing Guangli]


Heads of State of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Congratulate Signing of Intergovernmental Agreement on Railway Project
A signing ceremony of an intergovernmental agreement on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project is held in Beijing, capital of China, June 6, 2024. [Xinhua/Xing Guangli]


(Source: Xinhua)

Editor: Wang Shasha


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