Tibetan Woman Dedicated to Empowering Women in Xizang

 April 24, 2024

Drolma, a delegate to the 13th National Women's Congress of China (held in October 2023), and also president of Xizang Association for Women's Development, is committed to fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, fostering the development of talents in Southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, and helping women in the region acquire technical skills and increase incomes through entrepreneurship.

Tibetan Woman Dedicated to Empowering Women in Xizang


Drolma left home when she was 13 and she attended a special class for Tibetan students, established as part of the country's initiative to provide intellectual assistance to students from Xizang.

Drolma found a job in a Beijing-based enterprise of Tibetan medicine, after she graduated from the Peking University Law School in 2007. Later, she played her role in assisting the company in bringing its Tibetan medicine brand to a wider market.

When she was pregnant, at 36, Drolma quit her job in Beijing, returned to Xizang and started her own business.

Drolma's company provides enterprises and organizations with management consulting, data survey and career empowerment services.

The company has more than 30 employees, nearly 65 percent of whom are women and 75 percent of whom are Tibetan graduates of prestigious universities. Statistics show that 32 percent of them have 10-plus years of working experiences and 7 percent of them have overseas study experiences.

The company has widely provided consulting services to enhance employees' sense of happiness, has helped local companies design performance-based salary mechanism, conducted inspection tours to Lhasa (capital of Xizang) to learn about healthcare and nursing services for the elderly and give suggestions to improve community-based nursing care, as well as provided employment support to Tibetan graduates.

Tibetan Woman Dedicated to Empowering Women in Xizang


Additionally, Drolma's company has helped Xizang Women's Federation and Lhasa Women's Federation in further bolstering the development and employment of disadvantaged women and families in the countryside, by signing orders with around 300 handicrafts makers and purchasing their products worth a combined 1.4 million yuan (US $197,183).

In 2022, Drolma was selected as a member of the Standing Committee of Xizang Autonomous Regional Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). In 2023, she served as a part-time vice-president of the Xizang Federation of Trade Unions and a delegate to the 13th National Women's Congress.

Drolma said that she will shoulder a greater responsibility and make utmost efforts to advance the development of her business, and meanwhile, to support more women in Xizang so they will give full play to their potentials in the new era.

Tibetan Woman Dedicated to Empowering Women in Xizang


(Sources: Women Voice and Xizang Women/Translated by Women of China)


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