Lu Xiuxing: Spreading Party's Innovative Theories to More Women

ByYe Shan October 27, 2023


"We will spread the Party's innovative theories to more women," says Lu Xiuxing, a delegate to the 13th National Women's Congress of China. Lu is also secretary of the Party (Communist Party of China) committee and village committee director of Guzao, a village in Foshan, a city in South China's Guangdong Province.

"A growing number of women have been elected cadres of villages' Party branches and village committees. As village cadres and executive committee members of women's federations, we will stay engaged with women, heed their concerns, and solicit their opinions," says Lu.

Lu became a reserve cadre in Guzao in 2014. In April 2017, she was elected Party secretary of the village. Since then, she has led villagers in attracting investment projects from high-quality enterprises, to promote greater development of the companies in the village, and to use that development to help renovate the village. Now, Guzao is a demonstration village for rural revitalization in Guangdong.


Lu has received many awards throughout the years, including being named an Outstanding Party Member, a March 8th Red-Banner Holder and an Outstanding Woman Worker of Guangdong Province. She was elected a delegate to the 20th CPC National Congress. She gave nearly 60 lectures, on promoting the guiding principles of the congress, in villages, schools, organs and units, after the congress concluded in October 2022.

In an interview with Women of China, Lu said, "Nearly half of the people in Guzao are women. I hope to help the village's women 'backbones' improve themselves. The backbones include villagers, workers, Party members, and executive committee members of the village's women's federation."

After the congress concluded, the studio launched by Lu will offer more training sessions to women cadres at the grassroots level, invite women role models to give more lectures, and spread the Party's theories and policies to more women, Lu added.


(Women of China)

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