Women Diplomats from Cuban Embassy Visit Exhibition Highlighting Chinese Women and Children's Development in the New Era

ByYe Shan January 3, 2023

Women Diplomats from Cuban Embassy Visit Exhibition Highlighting Chinese Women and Children's Development in the New Era


At the invitation of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), a 21-member delegation composed of women diplomats and staff from the Cuban Embassy in China visited the China National Museum of Women and Children, in Beijing, on November 9, 2022. The delegation was headed by Carmen Janus, spouse of Carlos Miguel Pereira, Cuban Ambassador to China. Huang Shu, Deputy Director-General of ACWF's Liaison Department, accompanied the diplomats while they visited the exhibition highlighting the achievements reached in Chinese women and children's development in the new era, during the past 10 years.

Huang introduced the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and outlined the contents concerning women and children, which were written in the report to the 20th CPC National Congress. Huang also explained the historic achievements reached in Chinese women and children's undertakings under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, since the 18th CPC National Congress was held in 2012. Huang expressed a willingness to deepen cooperation with Cuban women, make efforts together to advance the building of socialism and gender equality, and to build and share a better world for women and for all.

Women Diplomats from Cuban Embassy Visit Exhibition Highlighting Chinese Women and Children's Development in the New Era


The diplomats viewed photos and other exhibits as they listened to a tour guide's introduction of the exhibition. They congratulated on the success of the 20th CPC National Congress, and said they admired Chinese women's progress under the CPC's leadership. In the section of international friendship, the diplomats were touched as they saw a group photo of Fidel Castro, Cuba's first highest leader, with then ACWF's leaders. They reviewed the time-honored friendship between Chinese and Cuban people, and expressed their willingness to deepen cooperation with the ACWF and to advance Chinese and Cuban women's traditional friendship.

After she viewed the exhibition, Janus wrote in the museum's guestbook, "It was a perfect visit. Congratulations on the splendid achievements reached in Chinese women and children's undertakings. We hope Chinese women and children will achieve greater development in the future."

Women Diplomats from Cuban Embassy Visit Exhibition Highlighting Chinese Women and Children's Development in the New Era


(Women of China English Monthly)

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