More Foreign Women's Organizations Stand Firm with China in Anti-COVID-19 Battle

 February 25, 2020

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) has continued to receive best wishes and support from its counterparts in Vietnam, Myanmar and Cuba for the country's all-out efforts in the prevention and control work of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the past few days.

In a letter to Shen Yueyue, President of the ACWF, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, President of the Vietnam Women's Union, said that Vietnamese people, including women, have closely monitored the COVID-19 outbreak in China and that Vietnamese women have worked together with their compatriots and all relevant authorities to ensure the prevention and control of the virus in their own country.

Nguyen said that she wanted to convey sincere greetings to the Chinese people, especially women and children, through the ACWF at this special moment. She spoke highly of the efforts and determination of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese government and its people, especially Chinese women, in the anti-virus battle.

Nguyen went on to say that Vietnamese people are touched and inspired by the great sacrifices and losses made by female Chinese doctors, nurses and police officers at the frontline. She stressed that victory will eventually belong to China since it has accumulated rich experience in the curb of the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) outbreak in 2003 and has currently adopted comprehensive measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19.

Thet Thet Zin, President of the Myanmar Women's Affairs Federation (MWAF), said in her letter to President of the ACWF, on February 10, that it is a great sadness for her and members of the federation to learn that many Chinese people had been infected with the COVID-19 and even lost their lives since the outbreak in Wuhan City of Central China's Hubei Province.

Zin extended condolences to the families of the victims of the contagious virus and conveyed best wishes to virus-related patients for their early recovery. She hoped to see the Chinese government and its people successfully win their battle against the COVID-19 with advanced medical technology as soon as possible.

Teresa Amarelle Boué, General-Secretary of the Cuban Women's Federation, on February 12 lauded the measures and efforts made by the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people in the prevention and control work of the COVID-19, and conveyed deep condolences to the bereaved families of those who have lost their lives.

Moreover, she extended an invitation to the ACWF to visit her country at a proper time.


(Women of China)


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