ACWF Releases Posters to Publicize Anti-Domestic Violence Law

 March 1, 2020

A poster released by the All-China Women's Federation promoting zero-tolerance against domestic violence [Women of China]


March 1 of this year marks the 4th anniversary of the implementation of the Anti-domestic Violence Law of the People's Republic of China. The All-China Women's Federation released two posters to publicize the duties and responsibilities of employers, social organizations, public security organs and other individuals in preventing and curbing domestic violence as regulated in the Anti-domestic Violence Law.

According to the Law, when an employer discovers that any employee has committed domestic violence, the employer shall criticize and educate the employee, and effectively mediate and resolve family conflicts.

The rules state that any employer or individual that discovers an act of domestic violence is occurring shall have the right to dissuade it in a timely manner.

Schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, residents' committees, villagers' committees, social work service agencies, relief administration agencies, welfare institutions and their staff who find that a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct has suffered or is suspected of suffering from domestic violence should promptly report the case to public security organs. 

If a person suffers from domestic violence or is in real danger of such violence, he or she may apply to the local people's court for a personal safety protection order.

A poster released by the All-China Women's Federation promoting zero-tolerance against domestic violence [Women of China]


(Women of China)


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