ACWF President Calls for Promoting China's COVID-19 Combat Spirit, Facilitating Women and Children's Healthy Development

 September 16, 2020
Shen Yueyue (4th, R), President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), and Huang Xiaowei (3rd, L), Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, attends the Sixth China Medical Women's Congress and the 25th anniversary commemoration of the founding of the China Medical Women's Association in Beijing on September 12. [Women of China/Fan Wenjun]


Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), and Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, attended the Sixth China Medical Women's Congress and the 25th anniversary commemoration of the founding of the China Medical Women's Association (CMWA) in Beijing on September 12.

Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, speaks at the Sixth China Medical Women's Congress and the 25th anniversary commemoration of the founding of the China Medical Women's Association in Beijing on September 12. [Women of China/Fan Wenjun]


Shen delivered a speech at the event. She noted that women medical workers resolutely responded to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), headed to the front line without hesitation, and demonstrated their love and even contributed their lives to the anti-COVID-19 battle. 

Shen said that women CPC members charged ahead and fought against the virus bravely, giving full play to their exemplary and leading role. Noting that young women medical workers were not afraid of hardships, difficulties or losing lives, showed their strength and sense of responsibility on the front line of the anti-epidemic battle, Shen said women medical workers fully deserved the title of heroines for their important contributions to the epidemic containment. 

Shen called on women medical workers to promote the great COVID-19 combat spirit, put people and their lives first, stick to their posts, perform their duties to protect the people's health and safety, uphold medical ethics, strive to excel professionally, and contribute to advancing the cause of healthcare.

Shen also urged women medical workers to stay true to their original aspiration and mission, give full play to their professional advantages, go down to the grassroots level, the urban and rural communities and the families, and contribute to the protection of the health of all the people, the happiness and well-being of all the families, and to the advancement of the Healthy China initiative.

Shen hoped the CMWA will further give play to its advantages and strive to build a platform to provide more opportunities and create better conditions for women medical workers. 

Shen expressed that the ACWF will continue to support its group members and the development of the CMWA, care for women medical workers and their families, and join hands to better serve women and children.

Huang Xiaowei (R), Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, gives awards to the recipients of the honorary title of the national most beautiful anti-epidemic family at the Sixth China Medical Women's Congress and the 25th anniversary commemoration of the founding of the China Medical Women's Association in Beijing on September 12. [Women of China/Fan Wenjun]


During the event, Shen and Huang presented awards to advanced individuals and collectives in the country's anti-COVID-19 battle, recipients of the honorary title of the national most beautiful anti-epidemic family, and role models and groups in the anti-virus battle from the CMWA.

Some women role models from the China Medical Women's Association (CMWA) in the country's anti-COVID-19 battle are honored at the Sixth China Medical Women's Congress and the 25th anniversary commemoration of the founding of the CMWA in Beijing on September 12. [Women of China/Fan Wenjun]


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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