ACWF President Stresses Roles of Family, Family Education and Tradition in Social Governance at Primary Level

 September 22, 2020
ACWF President Stresses Roles of Family, Family Education and Tradition in Social Governance at Primary Level
Shen Yueyue (C), President of the All-China Women's Federation, conducts an inspection tour to a community in Beijing, on September 17. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), on September 17-18 conducted an inspection tour to communities in urban and rural areas of Beijing, in a bid to strengthen the family work of women's federations and give play to the important role of family, family education and traditions in social governance at the primary level. 

Shen on September 17 visited a villager's home in Shijiaying Village, Mapo Town, in Beijing's Shunyi District, where three generations live in one household and have a good family tradition of respecting the elderly and caring for the children. She also visited a children's center in the village, chatting with parents about family education.

Shen attended a symposium with representatives of parents, primary school headmasters, grassroots Party cadres and workers from social organizations while visiting the Heqingyuan Community in Haidian District, which was named as a national family education innovative practice base earlier this year. The representatives discussed how to coordinate efforts of parents, schools and society in children's education. Shen also exchanged ideas with the attendees on such issues. 

Shen also attended a symposium at a service center in Chaoyang District on September 18 with representatives of staff members of the Beijing Women's Federation, heads of the grassroots-level Party organizations and teaching staff.

At the symposium, Shen stressed the important roles of family building, family education and traditions in social governance at the primary level.

Noting that family education is a concern in every family, Shen called for persistent efforts to cultivate virtues and morality, help children cultivate good thoughts, behaviors and habits, and ensure that  core socialist values are rooted in children's hearts.

Shen also stressed the importance of strengthening parents' primary responsibility in family education, and the joint efforts of families, schools and society in education.

Shen urged to provide targeted, scientific and effective family education guidance services through offering a series of family education guidebooks for different ages, establishing a family education guidance team and a group of parent schools, and promoting family education role models, in a bid to promote the continuous innovative development of family work and the fundamental role of family in social governance at the primary level.

ACWF President Stresses Roles of Family, Family Education and Tradition in Social Governance at Primary Level
Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, visits a  children's center in Shijiaying Village, Mapo Town, Beijing's Shunyi District, on September 17. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


ACWF President Stresses Roles of Family, Family Education and Tradition in Social Governance at Primary Level
Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation, delivers a speech at a symposium during her inspection tour in the communities in Beijing. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


ACWF President Stresses Roles of Family, Family Education and Tradition in Social Governance at Primary Level
A symposium with representatives of staff members of the Beijing Women's Federation, heads of the grassroots-level Party organizations and teaching staff is held in Beijing on September 18. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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