Xi Sends Congratulatory Letter to Global Sustainable Transport Forum

 September 26, 2023

BEIJING, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday sent a congratulatory letter to the Global Sustainable Transport Forum.

Building a sustainable transport system that is safe, convenient, efficient, green, economical, inclusive, and resilient is a major move to support high-quality economic and social development and realize the vision of enjoyable travel for passengers and smooth transport of goods, Xi said.

China is accelerating building up its strength in transport and will continue to promote global transport cooperation, providing new opportunities for the world with its own development, Xi said.

Following the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, China is ready to work with other countries to make the benefits of sustainable transport better delivered to people all over the world, Xi said.

Xi vowed contribution to the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, the realization of the U.N. 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity.

Themed "Sustainable Transport: Working Together to Promote Global Development," the forum, held by the Ministry of Transport, opened here Monday. 


(Source: Xinhua)

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