Xi Sends Congratulatory Letter to 2024 AIPPI World Congress

 October 20, 2024

BEIJING, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a congratulatory letter to the 2024 International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) World Congress.

Xi stressed that China has always attached great importance to the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights and has actively promoted efforts to build itself into an IP powerhouse. He noted that China has made historic accomplishments in IP protection and forged a path of IP development with Chinese characteristics.

China is willing to work with all parties to continue to strengthen cooperation, firmly safeguard the international IP multilateral system, contribute Chinese wisdom and solutions to creating an international environment conducive to innovation and development, promote the development of a global IP governance system in a more just and reasonable direction, and make contribution to the well-being of humankind.

Themed "balanced protection and innovative development of IP rights," the 2024 AIPPI World Congress opened in the city of Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang Province on Saturday. The event is co-organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the AIPPI.


(Source: Xinhua)

Editor: Wei Xuanyi

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