Shenzhen Establishes Lawyers' Team to Protect Women, Children's Rights, Interests

 January 10, 2023


Shenzhen Women's Federation and Shenzhen Association of Lawyers in September hosted a conference to mark the establishment of a lawyers' team to protect women and children's rights and interests. The team is composed of 10 pro bono lawyers, who have rich experience in handling cases involving residents' marital and family disputes. The event was held in Shenzhen, a city in South China's Guangdong Province. 

In 2011, the federation and the association began providing voluntary services to women and children (in Shenzhen), to protect their legal rights and interests, and to promote their overall development. During the past 11 years, more than 200 lawyers have provided legal counseling to women and children, so they can better protect their rights and interests. The lawyers have also publicized information about the laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of women and children's legal rights and interests, to help improve residents' understanding of the laws and regulations. 


(Women of China English Monthly December 2022 issue)

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