Hebei Combats Domestic Violence

 February 20, 2023

To promote the implementation of China's Law Against Domestic Violence, which took effect on March 1, 2016, North China's Hebei Province adopted the amended Anti-domestic Violence Regulations of Hebei Province during the 34th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th Provincial People's Congress, which was held on November 29, 2022. The measures took effect on January 1, 2023.

In addition to the prevention of domestic violence, the regulations contain provisions for implementing the mechanism for reporting offences of domestic violence to public security agencies, the systems of enforcing restraining orders (to protect the safety of domestic violence victims) and of giving a warning to perpetrators of domestic violence. The regulations also outline the responsibilities of various departments, including Hebei's civil affairs and public security departments, in combating domestic violence.

In 2004, Hebei promulgated the province's Regulations on the Prevention and Suppression of Domestic Violence, which became the first provincial-level regulations specifically targeting domestic violence. The regulations have played an important role in preventing and stopping domestic violence.


(Women of China English Monthly January 2023 issue)

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