Federation Helps Women Understand Law

 April 17, 2023

Federation Helps Women Understand Law


During the past two months, Fujian Women's Federation has organized various activities to help cadres with women's federations, at all levels in the province, better understand the revised Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women, which took effect on January 1, 2023. Many of the cadres have said they have benefited greatly from the activities, as they have gained greater confidence in their ability to help women protect their legal rights and interests.

The federations have conducted various activities (with other organizations) to promote the law, and other laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of women's legal rights and interests, among employees of government organizations and enterprises, residents of communities (in various regions of Fujian), and university and college students. The activities were intended to promote the basic State policy of gender equality, and to help women improve their ability to protect their rights and interests.

"The revised Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women provides legal protection for women. We will travel to rural areas (in Fujian), and we will use easy-to-understand words to publicize information about the law among rural women. We will also try our best to help women resolve family disputes," says Guo Xiusheng, a mediator from the Family Mediation Studio, in Xinluo, a district in Longyan, a city in Fujian Province.


(Women of China English Monthly March 2023 issue)

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