China to Be at Global Forefront of Basic Public Education Services

 October 11, 2023

China's Ministry of Education (MOE) on August 30 held a news conference, during which officials of MOE highlighted China's goals of improving its basic public education, which were outlined in both the Guidelines on Establishing a Quality, Balanced Basic Public Education System and the Guidelines on Implementing the Action Plan for Improving Basic Education in the New Era.

Both documents were released earlier this year. The former was released by the general offices of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council (the central government's cabinet). The latter was released by the MOE, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance.

China aims to establish a quality, balanced basic public education system by 2027, and, by 2035, China will become one of the world's leading countries, in terms of the quality and equity of compulsory education services, indicates the Guidelines on Establishing a Quality, Balanced Basic Public Education System.

The Guidelines on Implementing the Action Plan for Improving Basic Education in the New Era focuses on deepening supply-side reform of basic education, expanding quality education resources and accelerating the construction of a high-caliber basic education system.

The document indicates, by 2027, a provision and adjustment mechanism for kindergarten and primary and secondary school enrollments will be established in alignment with the country's new urbanization drive and demographic changes in the school-aged population.


(Women of China English Monthly October 2023 issue)

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