Shenzhen Promotes Construction of Child Friendly City

 December 16, 2023
Shenzhen Promotes Construction of Child Friendly City

In December 2015, Shenzhen (a city in South China's Guangdong Province) Women's Federation took the lead, in China, in proposing Shenzhen be transformed into a Child Friendly City (CFC). By October 2023, Shenzhen had established 452 municipal-level, child friendly bases, more than 1,260 parks, 580 children's councils (at various levels across the city), 761 community-level homes for children, and more than 1,270 nursing rooms (for mothers and their babies) in public places. Shenzhen has also promoted the establishment of movable nursing rooms (for mothers and their babies) in public places. Seen here, an aerial view of children's amusement park, in Shenzhen North Railway Station Central Park, in which many parents take their children to play games.


(Women of China English Monthly December 2023 issue)

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