Campaign Promotes Domestic Services, Advances Rural Revitalization

 July 12, 2024

China's Ministry of Commerce, the All-China Women's Federation and seven national-level organizations recently issued details of the 2024 nationwide campaign to advance rural revitalization, on all fronts, through the development of the domestic-service industry. 

The plan advances 25 measures, from five aspects, for the campaign's implementation. It indicates the coordinating bodies will increase the supply and improve the quality of domestic services. The organizations will also organize training, based on domestic-service providers' expectations of their workers. 

To strengthen cultivation of labor-service brands, the organizations will help domestic-service businesses, especially those relevant to rural revitalization, become better organized and expand in scale. The organizations will also launch several public-employment-promotion activities, and they will promote development of women-oriented domestic-service brands. 

To help prevent rural residents who have been lifted out of poverty from slipping back into poverty, the plan indicates the relevant organizations will support rural residents in finding employment in the domestic-service sector. Domestic-service-skills training will be organized among rural people, especially women. 

The plan indicates local governments are encouraged to provide public and government-subsidized housing to qualified migrant domestic workers in cities. Community-based and micro/small domestic-service companies will enjoy tax and fee reductions. 

The organizations will also accelerate establishment of a domestic-service credit system, and they will help domestic-service companies improve their salary-distribution systems, the plan indicates.


(Women of China English Monthly July 2024)

Editor: Wang Shasha


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