Safeguard Women's Rights and Interests

 April 26, 2020
[For Women of China]


ACWF has intensified its efforts in protecting women's rights and interests at the source and proactively taken part in the formulation and revision of more than 80 laws, regulations and policies, including the Anti-Domestic Violence Law and supporting policies of the two-child policy. Meanwhile, ACWF has promoted the establishment of a gender equality assessment mechanism on laws and policies, set up a mechanism of admonition against gender inequality in employment, improved women's council, increased women's protection hot-line of 12338 and continued legal popularization activity themed "Establishing the Rule of Law in China: Women in Action" and ''Women's Action for Legal Aid". ACWF has helped solve outstanding issues of rural women's land rights and property and the joint debt of husband and wife, providing great support for disadvantaged women to protect their rights and interests.


(Women of China)

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