Charity Projects

 April 28, 2020

Water Cellar for Mothers is a centralized water supply project that seeks to tackle the problem of safe drinking water shortage, addresses issues of poverty, environment, sanitation, health, education, and women's rights and interests, and helps women and children in dry areas in western China to improve living conditions. By the end of 2015, the project has been implemented in 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, building 139,400 water cellars and 1,689 centralized water supply projects, improving drinking water and sanitation conditions in 534 rural primary and high schools, and helping some 2.9 million people get access to safe drinking water.


Health Express for Mothers works to spread health knowledge and provide healthcare services to local women and children by sending vehicles with medical facilities to poverty-stricken areas. By the end of 2015, 2,371 medical vehicles have been dispatched to 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, benefiting 50 million people.


The Spring Bud Program provides allowances to primary and junior middle school students with difficulties in poverty-stricken areas, provides financial assistance to help “Spring Bud” students complete their education in senior high schools and universities, gives practical skills training to adolescent girls in rural areas for finding employment, and builds kindergartens, dormitories and children's centers for children remaining in rural areas whose parents are working in cities, and improve girls' ability as well as their awareness of self-protection. By 2015, the program has provided financial assistance to more than 3 million girls, built 1,154 spring bud schools, and compiled and distributed 1 million manuals on sex education and protection.


The Safety and Healthy Growth for Children Program aims to provide services for children's safety and healthy growth, and help to build an enabling social environment through such activities as advocacy, education, and training with funds raised from the society. By 2015, the program has funded the building of 387 libraries and 220 healthy growth experience classrooms or centers, and donated public welfare insurance to more than 1.3 million children in need. It has provided financial aid to poor children who are vision impaired, hearing impaired, suffering from cerebral palsy or hemophilia and many other conditions, playing an active role in promoting children's healthy growth.


Action for the Elimination of Infant Anemia works to provide packages of complimentary nutritional supplements to infants and children aged between 6 and 36 month, aiming to help improve their nutrition status, prevent anemia, and ensure their healthy growth.


Action to Improve Infant Nutrition Status in Poverty-Stricken Areas works to provide free packages of complimentary nutritional supplements to infants and children aged between 6 and 24 months in target project areas, aiming to prevent malnutrition and anemia and improve their health status. After taking complimentary nutritional supplements for a period of half a year to one year, the anemia incidence among children in some areas has decreased from the previous 32.9% to 25.9%, and children’s growth abnormality rate has lowered from the previous 10.1% to 8.6%. The status of children’s health has been improved.


The Care for Left-behind Children Program builds children's happy homes in rural China, providing daycare, family education guidance and psychological conseling in addition to many other services, to improve the environment in which the “left-behind” children grow up. By the end of 2015, the program has funded the building of 520 such Children's Happy Homes in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities nationwide, benefiting some 400,000 children.


(Source: Women of China)

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